September 12, 2006

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Frank R. Scatoni

"No Kill Date"

Venture Literary Sells Informative Guide to Doing Business in an Exponential Economy to Adams Media

On September 12, 2006, Greg Dinkin of Venture Literary sold the World rights to Jack Uldrich’s The Exponential Executive: 8 Essential Elements for Exploiting the Emerging Economy to Jill Alexander at Adams Media.

The Exponential Executive promises readers a straightforward, easy-to-understand explanation of the essential elements executives must incorporate into their business plans, marketing strategies, and corporate cultures in order to succeed in today’s volatile economy. An established writer of the business world, Jack Uldrich demonstrates how advances in eight areas—computers, data storage, bandwidth, software development, genetic sequencing, robotics, nanotechnology, and the evolution of knowledge itself—are transforming the global economy and radically altering individual futures.

Technology is creating exponential growth—that’s a given. But as technology revolutionizes the global economy, savvy professionals want to know how they can profit from that change. In The Exponential Executive, Uldrich, known for his trailblazing insights into the technological revolution, tells them how. In The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman introduced readers to today’s “flattened” economy. In The Exponential Executive, Uldrich introduces readers to tomorrow’s “exponential economy” and shows them how to “jump the curve” and create revolutionary breakthroughs through “exponential thinking.” A publishing executive recently said of accelerating technological change, “People are aware of the problem; what they want is a solution.” The Exponential Executive provides that solution.

Jack Uldrich’s first book, The Next Big Thing Is Really Small (Crown Business), was conceived long before anyone in the mainstream media ever uttered the word “nanotechnology.” He is a frequent commentator on CNN, MSNBC, and National Public Radio. His written work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, The Motley Fool, Investor’s Business Daily, The Futurist, Leader to Leader, Tech Central Station, and Executive Leadership. He is also the president of The NanoVeritas Group, a worldwide consulting agency that helps organizations identify opportunities and prepare for threats in the emerging nanotechnology market. Its clients include leading venture capital firms, state governments, and Fortune 100 companies.

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